Is it too early to mention the 'C' word?! For some of you I know it definitely will be, but for me it's almost never too early - well almost. I'm pretty strict in our house that the tree and other Christmas paraphernalia should not be seen until December is upon us, however the planning and preparation for the big day begins much earlier.
This morning I was in the need for a super quick and satisfying sew, plus I had begun my Christmas prep this weekend (basically this meant a Friday night rock 'n roll trip to Kmart where I picked up a few things for the girls) and I was inspired to continue the Christmas organisation. I decided that I'd whip up a few napkins for the table this festive season. The chosen fabric isn't actually Christmas fabric, but includes red and green and as a result feels a bit festive, but hopefully I'll be able to use them at other times of the year too.
Here's a quick 'how to' on how I sew napkins with mitred corners...
Pick a fabric that can withstand lots of washing (they are napkins after all). I used a cotton.
Cut a square of fabric to the size of the napkin you require. with 2cm seam allowances added to each side. I used 48cm square in total, so my napkins will be 44cm wide once sewn. I drew the square on some pattern paper as I was going to be making a few.
Fold over each side of the square 1cm and then 1cm again. Press to create creases in the fabric.
Take a ruler and line it up with the point of the fold beyond the folded fabric. Draw a line here to show the angle.
Unfold and continue the angle of the line to the point shown on the photograph below. I've used long stitches to show clearly where the fold lines are.
Draw a line perpendicular to the previous line drawn. It should end at the first fold line. Take your time to make sure this line is exactly perpendicular to the line previously drawn.
Where this line hits the first fold line draw another perpendicular line towards the edge of the fabric. This will be your stitching line.
Fold the fabric back on itself - right sides together matching up the stitching lines.
Pin and sew the square shape.
Trim the seam allowances as shown.
Fold in and press. I like to use a point turner here (but go gently). Make sure that everything is tucked in nicely.
Repeat for each corner.
Sew around the edge of the seam allowances. I used a pretty metallic thread here to keep it Christmassy.
Repeat for the number of napkins you require.
Job done!!
Links to the fabrics can be found here. Red floral, green micro-dot and plain red.